CLIMATE CHANGERS - Any technology, vehicle or person who pursues a project of political objective designed to combat global warming, is a Climate Changer. Solar land speed contenders and long distance racers fall into this category. Well done to you all. You are helping to make the world a better place.
Most people would try and help sway our politicians and industrialists to slow down a bit and think about cooling the planet, if they could. Only a few of us get that chance, and even fewer go out on a limb to do something extraordinary, where that might mean sacrifices and a less than comfortable life.
On this page we give you a few examples of some extraordinary human beings who have changed the world, by doing or making something that inspires others to think differently.
CLIMATE CHANGERS - Greta Thunberg is a Climate Changer. At the age of 15 she is lobbying the Swedish Parliament for immediate action to curb global warming. She also rallied international support to create the Skolsstrekj For Klimatet movement.
CLIMATE CHANGERS - Australian schoolchildren rise to the challenge to become some of the youngest Climate Changers in the world. Will the politicians listen and finally do something positive to halt global warming.
SOLAR IMPULSE JULY 2016 - The Solar Impulse 2 completed a multi-stop circumnavigation after 15 years in the planning, development and finally, the record attempt that ended in helping to change the course history. Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg are two amazing Climate Changers, in the battle to halt global warming.
CLIMATE CHANGER - On the 4th of May 2012, history was made, as Raphael Domjan, at the helm of a giant of a catamaran powered only by solar panels crossed the finishing line at Monaco to become the first electric boat to sail around the world. MS Tûranor PlanetSolar, known under the project name PlanetSolar, was (@ 2018) the largest solar-powered boat in the world. The vessel was launched on the 31st March 2010, also going into the Guinness Book of World Records. The project was mostly financed by Immo Stroeher, the owner of the boat, making him one of the great Climate Changers in our books.
SOLAR CARS - There are dozens of solar car racing teams, many of which competed in the World and American series of road race challenges. Every one of the members of those teams, to include their mentors and the responsible companies supporting them are Climate Changers, doing what they can in the fight to halt global warming.
The CCC is a project to design and build a long range zero carbon cruiser called the Elizabeth Swan. Then to prove the concept with a zero carbon world navigation, designed to shatter existing records.
This website is provided on a free basis as a public information service. Copyright © Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) (Company No: 4674774) 2019. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. COFL is a charity without share capital.