OUR OCEANS ARE IN DANGER - There are many ways that an organization can contribute to the health of our oceans. Helping people to reduce their plastic footprint and disposing of waste thoughtfully is vital awareness work.
Cleaner Ocean Foundation assimilates the information that has
been gathered by others and looks at alternatives to solutions
that exist, in the hope of bringing something new to the
table. SeaVax has been identified as a platform with potential
for many uses aiming towards ocean salvation, including: 1.
responsible fishing
vessels, 2. plastic waste collection and
3. oil spills containment. Finally, the SeaVax
is solar and wind powered and may help to pave the way for
zero emission cargo
and passenger
vessels of the future.
The MCS engage over one million people every year in their campaigns and projects. By embracing the connection between people, their livelihoods and life in the ocean, they can help communities value having a healthy ocean, whether they live and work by the coast or in the ocean or are occasional visitors. Our approach is underpinned by a strong theme of evidence-based policy work, campaigning and advocating solutions backed by science.
Their Annual Impact Report and Accounts describe the key activities each year, what they’ve achieved and what their plans are for the future. Their Chairman, Hugh Raven, is quoted as saying:
‘Our volunteers are key to our success, as are all our dedicated staff, members, supporters, partners and funders. Having this support gives us confidence, independence and space to allow us to be nimble and innovative in achieving the ambitious change we seek to look after our seas.’
Marine Conservation Society
This website is provided on a free basis as a public information service. copyright © Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) (Company No: 4674774) 2019. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. COFL is a charity without share capital.