PLANETSOLAR & Raphaël Domjan
SOLAR COUSINS - Raphaël Domjan has long been an advocate of renewable energy, finally realising his dream in 2005, when he set up an association with people able to help him develop the PlanetSolar project. Five years later, a catamaran 35 metres long, 23 metres wide, with solar panels covering a surface of 537 m2 was launched.
With a crew of three, Raphaël set sail at the helm of 'his' solar boat on 27 September 2010, heading west in search of the sun. PlanetSolar returned with its Swiss skipper to 'le Rocher' on 4 May 2012 to complete the first solar-powered voyage around the world. This was a stunning world a record first and a milestone for solar powered marine transport.
Raphaël is pictured here in the recently built robotics laboratory in Sussex, England where SeaVax, also a solar (and wind) powered vessel, is being developed as an ocean cleaning workboat. Another faster version of SeaVax is the Elizabeth Swann, also heading toward the test tank where climate change is a major ocean game changer according to the United Nations as per SDG 13. Copyright photograph © Cleaner Ocean Foundation August 25 2017.
Born on
the 19 January 1972 in Neuchâtel, Raphaël Domjan dreamed from a very early age of following in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg, and in his youth he was already working on ideas of making a voyage around the world using the least amount of energy possible. At the time his choice of transport was an ultra-light
amphibious vehicle. This idea, which remained a dream, was paradoxically fundamental to his future projects.
MS Tûranor PlanetSolar, known under the project name PlanetSolar, is the largest solar-powered boat in the world The
was designed by LOMOcean Design, built by Knierim Yachtbau in Kiel,
Germany, and launched on 31 March 2010.
Raphaël wants to continue demonstrating the potential of renewable energy. Having circumnavigated the world in a solar boat, he wants to go further and show that solar energy can enable us to do things that cannot be done with fossil fuels.
This website is provided on a free basis as a public information service. copyright © Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) (Company No: 4674774) August 2017. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. COFL is a charity without share capital. The names AmphiMax™, RiverVax™ and SeaVax™ are trade names used under license by COF in connection with their 'Feed The World' ocean cleaning sustainability campaign.