THE ELIZABETH SWAN - The graceful lines of this beautiful solar powered boat complements the zero carbon cruising ideal that many designers and United Nations planners aspire to under SDG13.
A 1:20th scale test tank model of the Elizabeth Swan is under construction. The development models we will use triple layer, laminated, amorphous cells in combination with polycrystalline (16.5 - 17%) cells to provide 100+ watts of energy for simulated hull speed tests.
The world circumnavigation record is currently held by Planetsolar, a ship that weighs 95 tons and generates 93.5kW from 825 solar panels. When built the Swan's hull will be the largest solar powered boat in the world at 43 meters (140ft). Planetsolar is 113 ft long.
The initial weight analysis and subsequent structural analysis will determine the thickness and type of materials to be employed in any design. The approximate figures below are guidelines to be reduced if possible, once the hull has been tested and stressed for loadings in various sea states. More than likely the displacement will rise, especially if it has to accommodate passengers and life support. These figures are based on the boat being unmanned.
Any naval architect will tell you that this is a significant challenge. If at all possible, we do not want to use composites if by clever design we can use more cost effective materials. In this case aluminium in the preferred material because it is easy to form, weld and repair while at sea. Please note that if this project proceeds that we will be looking for risk sharing collaborative partners in connection any EU Horizon 2020 application for autonomous or low carbon vessels. We do not at this time have a suppliers of steel, aluminium sheet or welding consumables.
The weight analysis for the development model of the Elizabeth Swan is seen here based on the measurement (weighing) of actual components using a laboratory grade balance:
IMMO STROEHER - With backing from the German industrialist and entrepreneur, Immo Stroeher, and a crew of three, Raphaël set sail on an expedition to raise climate change awareness on 27 September 2010, heading west in search of the sun. PlanetSolar returned with its Swiss skipper to 'le Rocher' on 4 May 2012 to complete the first solar-powered voyage around the world. This was a stunning world record first and a milestone for solar powered marine transport - an amazing achievement for all concerned.
We hope you might experience some of the flavour of this exciting voyage of (technological) discovery from the destinations listed above and learn something of the exotic waypoints. If the World is your Oyster, the Elizabeth Swan is a pearl waiting to be discovered.
https://www.planetsolar.org/ http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/first-circumnavigation-by-solar-powered-boat
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