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OCEAN AMBASSADORS - Leo, Ryan and Terry, at the UNA C&A Ocean Symposium 2022, held in Bexhill-On-Sea, Sussex.
The Cleaner Ocean Foundation were much obliged to the United Nations Association - Climate & Oceans (UNA C&A) for an opportunity to speak on green hydrogen as a source of renewable energy, and a means to economically store this sustainable resource, by electrolyzing water, then recombining using fuel cells.
The problem facing the marine and automotive world is how to transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources, to create a circular economy without unhealthy air pollution. They are looking for a practical solution, with four methods of storage on the table, each employing very different technology. Hence, an investment nightmare, for those looking to define a clear winner.
The Elizabeth Swann team explained that compressed gas and liquid hydrogen had (to now) proven to be a troublesome method of storage, with the technology in its infancy, hence expensive and slow to develop. Whereas, Ammonia and Methanol, (not Methane, as one person misheard) were also considered, with Methanol being a clear winner in the practical stakes. But still with some way to go to being entirely green. Although Blue Methanol is already on the cards, for some oil companies, allied to carbon capture.
The Ocean Symposium 2022 was a multi- stakeholder event taking place in Bexhill-On-Sea, Sussex, England, with a local and a global approach. The theme this year is "Empowering Communities for Ocean Action". It will include an exciting Marine Exhibition with different interactive stands.
This event provided updates of different marine projects across Sussex and Internationally. Attendees to this event were able to interact directly with the Speakers during the Q&A sessions. The event showcased exciting new Sussex underwater marine biodiversity, as well as unique international Ocean short films.
The Ocean Symposium 2022 offered great opportunities for networking with the marine community.
RS Aqua Ltd.,
21/22 The Slipway,
with Terry
Valeriano (PT/H&S), Ryan
Dusart (Youth Ambassador) & Leo Perrin (Technical
& Marketing student)
TECHNOLOGY - The Elizabeth Swann stand was manned by Terry, Ryan and Leo, with Gonzalo Alvarez, one of the organizers of the event (UNA C&O Chairman), visiting the stand, seen on the far right. The team are developing a 1:20 proof of concept model, from a 1:200 scale floatation model (the small model seen in the foreground). The larger scale model will feature fully working rotate-able and folding solar wings, that track the sun, including charge controllers and lithium battery store, to complement the hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system.
The basis for this system is an extremely light and strong (triangulated) space-frame, not dissimilar to crane construction, except designed to be dynamic, as a high-performance moving vehicle. The wooden frame being held, was an experimental test-bed.
Other organizations wanted SeaVax once it was developed. The cart before the horse syndrome, favored by many. Since, nobody wanted to help with development, from very basic proof of concept stage, to a fully demonstrable prototype, capable of selectively filtering plastic from seawater, while not harming wildlife.
can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.
The Elizabeth Swann team presented using a PowerPoint presentation
big cheeses who make funding decisions want their cake and eat
it. They want new technology, but they want it developed by
mature companies with years of trading track record under
their belts, and significant financial resources of their own,
typically from profits from existing products. The good news,
is that academics will nearly always bag funding for research,
even if they are not entirely forthcoming in technology
transfer. At least somebody is working on it somewhere.
SEPTEMBER 2022, SOVEREIGN HARBOUR - Terry, Dr Nigel Jollands, Veronica Lysaght, and Ryan at another event in Eastbourne, earlier in the year. Terry and Ryan are team members of the Elizabeth Swann JVH2 project. They were very pleased to meet the environmental sailors, and learn of their inspirational project, in turn being inspired. The Yacht Club in Eastbourne's Sovereign Harbour, proved to be an ideal venue for such events.
This website is provided on a free basis as a public information service. Copyright © Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) (Company No: 4674774) 2022. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. COFL is a charity without share capital.