JUNE 2019
Nor-Shipping has revised its shipping awards initiative, combining its two existing categories into one for 2019. ‘Your Arena for Ocean Solutions’, taking place in Oslo and Lillestrøm, Norway, from 04 to 07 June 2019, is merging the Energy Efficiency Award and Next Generation Ship Award into a single accolade that supports and showcases the on-going evolution of maritime.
The new, standalone Next Generation Ship Award will, according to Nor-Shipping Director Per Martin Tanggaard, champion the projects that best represent the global ambitions of the modern industry.
With a focus on innovation, the Next Generation Ship Award honors the most promising design for ships that will be at sea in the coming decade.
The award will be handed out in front of a prominent industry audience at the Nor-Shipping Opening Ceremony. All four nominees will be publicly honored for their innovative ship design.
We invite you to propose nominees!
Application deadline: 1 March 2019
Nomination form for Nor-Shipping Next Generation Award 2019
Combining the two categories from previous years (Next Generation and
Energy Efficiency Awards), the Next Generation Ship Award is open to vessels delivered since the 2017 Nor-Shipping Exhibition or scheduled for delivery within three years of the 2019 event.
The New Generation Ship Award is awarded to the ship project demonstrating the greatest advances and innovation in design. The design is assessed with respect to energy efficiency, innovation, suitability and flexibility, technology utilisation, safety and security and environmental sustainability.
Since innovative efficient designs often emerge through active collaboration between companies, collaborators may jointly apply.
The Jury will consider all aspects of each ship entered taking into account cost effectiveness / life cycle cost perspective of new and innovative features. With regard to sustainability, the impact on the environment will be considered as will vessel versatility ensuring employment under a wide range of market conditions. Where pioneering new technologies are incorporated into the design or construction of a ship, these will be assessed for their contribution to the overall efficiency of the vessel.
In recognition of the fact that ships are required to be commercially viable, all factors will be considered and no single factor will determine the winner. All ship types will be given equal consideration, regardless of size or segment.
Jury details
The jury consist of dedicated professionals representing a diversity of segments and geographical presence,
including representatives from the Award Partner and Award Media Partner.
The jury’s chairman is Malcolm Latarche, an industry expert and freelance maritime journalist, who has led this jury since 2013.
Jury Chairman Malcolm Latarche
Award Project Manager Kent Kristiansen
After much deliberation, the two juries have selected four candidates for each of the shortlists for the 2017 Energy Efficiency and Next Generation Awards.
There was a large entry for the 2017 Awards, slightly down on 2015 but quite understandable given the problems besetting the shipping industry. Offshore related vessels were notably affected this time. The entries for both awards covered a diverse range of ship types which, while welcome as representing the appeal of being recognised as a winner of the awards, always makes the judges’ task harder as they must compare very different merits of the ship types.
Highlighting this diversity, the four vessels chosen for the shortlist of the Energy Efficiency Award included a LNG carrier, a bulk carrier, a cruise ship and a ro-pax ferry while the Next Generation Award shortlist comprised a container vessel concept, an
IMO II type chemical/product tanker, and two quite different ferry types.
The four ships on the Energy Efficiency Award shortlist are:
Harmony of the Seas, the latest and largest in the Oasis Class which features no less than 89 different energy efficiency improvements over the original ship that have all contributed to making the vessel 20% more efficient. With so many initiatives implemented, it was not “one” major improvement that drove the incredible results, but rather the holistic approach which evaluated and addressed every function on board: propulsion, hull design, power generation, energy recovery, machinery, hotel and HVAC. Entered by Royal Caribbean and STX France.
Seaspan Swift, the first of two innovative ro-pax ferries with an LNG/Hybrid propulsion system consisting of Wärtsilä duel fuel engines which run mainly on LNG and a Corvus battery energy storage system. The vessels were designed by VARD Marine in Canada and built in Turkey. The ship will usually have 60 road trailers on board. Changes made to the hull during development allowed for a 14% efficiency improvement and a massive reduction in the GHG emissions calculated on a per trailer basis compared to the ships they are replacing. Entered by Seaspan Ferries
Seri Camellia, a LNG carrier with Moss type tanks enclosed by an Integrated Hull System which adds strength to the hull but allows for a decrease in steel weight while at the same time improving aerodynamic efficiency compared to conventional Moss tank type ships. The ship also features Mitsubishi’s Ultra Steam Turbine Propulsion Plant, a two-stage feed water heating system which utilises heat recovery to achieve 13% improvement in efficiency over conventional steam turbines. A variety of other energy saving devices and environmentally friendly systems also feature. Entered by MISC Berhad, Malaysia
Venture Joy, a 43,500dwt, geared Handysize bulker designed by Deltamarin for Hamburg Bulk Carriers,
Germany. The vessel’s optimised hull form and propulsion system have allowed it to meet EEDI Phase III requirements nine years ahead of the introduction. This represents a 30% CO2 emission reduction over current rules and around 40% on the average for the current fleet of this ‘workhorse’ ship type. The ship is also fitted with an LNG dual-fuel ready engine which could allow for a further 20% reduction with the installation of LNG tanks and fuel system. Entered by Hamburg Bulk Carriers, Germany.
For the Next Generation Award the four shortlisted vessels are:
Container feeder ship designs developed by Danish naval architects Knud E Hansen. Three ship types were proposed; a 2,000teu vessel optimised for shallow water ports where the needed small propeller diameter is replaced by a more efficient dual arrangement of fixed propeller and contra-rotating azipod, 3,800teu type with a larger single propeller type for deeper ports with a dual-fuel power plant and an innovative trimaran hull form 3,000teu ship which overcomes cargo handling problems associated with high sided narrow vessels and allows for faster speeds and a better cargo mix. Entered by Knud E Hansen Denmark.
Product/chemical tanker design FKAB 7990 for use in SECAs. The ship is 7990dwt, 9,700 m3, Tier III oil product tanker for chemicals (IMO II). It is designed for low fuel consumption and high cargo capacity. Planned to be LNG ready with deck fitment of two LNG type C tanks. Propulsion is provided by a medium speed dual fuel engine with a gearbox to be fitted with PTO and shaft generator coupled to a CP propeller. PTI ‘Take me home’ device, through a retractable bow thruster from the auxiliaries. In order to save fuel the shaft generator is connected via a frequency converter allowing optimum propeller rpm at various speeds. Alternatively a four stroke engine can be fitted. Entered by Sirius Shipping, Sweden.
Large hybrid plug in ferry for Color Lines operating internationally between Norway and Sweden. The ship will be a plug-in hybrid, in which the batteries are recharged via a power cable with green electricity from shore facilities or, as a secondary alternative, recharged on board by the ship’s four main generators. The 160m loa and 27.1m beam vessel which will have a gross tonnage of around 30,000gt making it the world’s largest hybrid can accommodate 2,000 passengers and 500 cars. The battery arrangement means that the vessel can operate without emissions in sensitive areas or port environments. Entered by Color Line, Ulstein Verft and Fosen Yard all from Norway.
Conversion of two existing diesel powered ferries to all electric operation. The two ferries, Tycho Brahe and Aurora will be the world’s largest emission-free electric ferries, and delivered with first automated shore-side charging station. The battery power of each ferry will be 4,160kWh. The conversions involve batteries, an energy storage control system and Onboard DC Grid technology. At both ends of the route ABB will supply the first automated shore-side charging stations using an ABB industrial robot, to optimise the connection time and therefore maximise the charging period. Entered by HH Ferries, Sweden and ABB, BU Marine & Ports, Denmark.
A meeting of the juries in London in April will determine the winner of each category with the announcement of the winner and presentations of all shortlisted entrants being made at the Nor-Shipping opening ceremony on Tuesday 30th May.
Nor-Shipping 2017 takes place in Oslo and Lillestrøm, Norway, from 30 May to 2 June 2017.
The main exhibition features five themed halls –
1. Disruptive Sustainability in Hall A
2. IT & Navigation in Hall B
3. Safety & Rescue in Hall C
4. Shipbuilding & Repair in Hall D
5. Maritime Services & Logistics in Hall E - Propulsion & Machinery in Hall E
For further information please contact:
Birgit M. Liodden
Director Nor-Shipping
Tel.: +47 95 17 13 89
Per Martin Tanggaard
Exhibition Director Nor-Shipping
Mobile: +47 97 76 77 45
TEL 47 400 01 394
PO BOX 75, N-2001 Lillestrøm, Norway

POWERED - Raphaël Domjan has long been an advocate of
renewable energy, finally realising his dream in 2005, when he set up an association
with people able to help him develop the PlanetSolar project. Five years later, a
catamaran 35 metres long, 23 metres wide, with solar panels covering a surface of 537 m2 was launched.
With a crew of three,
Raphaël set sail at the helm of 'his' solar boat on 27 September 2010, heading west in search of
sun. PlanetSolar returned with its Swiss skipper to 'le
Rocher' on 4 May 2012 to complete the first solar-powered voyage around the world. This was
a stunning world a record first and a milestone for solar
powered marine transport.
is pictured here in the recently built robotics laboratory in
Sussex, England where SeaVax, also a solar
(and wind) powered vessel, is being
developed as an ocean cleaning workboat. Copyright photograph
© Cleaner Ocean Foundation August 25 2017.

website is provided on a free basis as a public information
service. copyright © Cleaner
Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) (Company No: 4674774)
2018. Solar
Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom.
is a charity without share capital. The names AmphiMax™,
and SeaVax™
are trade names used under license by COF in connection with their 'Feed
The World' ocean cleaning sustainability campaign.