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- Jyrki
Jyrki Tapani Katainen (born 14 October 1971) is a Finnish politician and the European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, in office since 2014. Katainen was previously
the 42nd Prime Minister of Finland from 2011 to 2014 and chairman of the National Coalition Party from 2004 to 2014. He was succeeded by Alexander Stubb as chairman of Finland's National Coalition Party. After stepping down as Prime Minister, Katainen was elected as European Commission Vice-President in July 2014.
In his position as Prime Minister, Katainen recommended that European leaders rebuild the unity of the European Union because it was undermined by the euro zone debt crisis. Speaking at a
Reuters Euro Zone Summit, he noted that mutual resentment between citizens of the northern creditor states and poorer debtor countries may have fuelled euroscepticism and perhaps this may have posed a threat to the 28-nation bloc's unity.
Katainen said calls for more European involvement were unpopular at a time when globalization had made people afraid of losing their jobs and lowering their standard of living.
The enforcement of overhauled budget discipline rules and the creation of a banking union with a single supervisor and a mechanism to wind up failed
banks without making taxpayers pay had achieved the main changes needed to stabilize the euro zone.

EXPRESS SEPT 17 - TRADE with Britain after Brexit is a priority for the European Union, a senior European Commissioner has admitted.
Mr Katainen, a former prime minister of Finland whose EU responsibilities include jobs and investment, said the current series of talks shows multiple trade negotiations can be held at the same time.
He said: "So no need to provoke the situation anymore. It is complicated enough.”
EU trade chief Cecilia Malmstrom said the Commission, which negotiates trade deals on behalf of EU countries, had a "fantastic simultaneous capacity" to negotiate accords.
She said: ”Keep calm. Don't panic.”
Talks on Britain’s Brexit divorce terms, including a bill which could be more than £50 billion, have made slow progress. But it was confirmed yesterday that
Theresa May will give a speech in Florence in a bid to break the deadlock.
Asked whether the EU treaty should be changed in the next five years after European Parliament elections in May, Katainen said he was a pragmatist and most of what Europe needed could be achieved by strengthening and extending its internal market.
According to Katainen, the key reforms to pensions, labor markets and education needed to keep European countries competitive with the rest of the world and make its social model affordable were in the hands of national governments.
Katainen called for a single market in clean technology, noting that Finland was producing third-generation non-food biofuels that could not enter some EU countries because regulation had not kept pace with innovation.
To combat eurosceptics in the pan-European election, EU leaders should address issues that are important to voters who support populist political parties.

- Commission issues blueprint for tackling globalization.
The paper includes ideas for tackling tax evasion, unfair government subsidies and labor exploitation.
The European Commission put forward Wednesday a blueprint for “harnessing globalization” which includes strategies to tackle tax evasion, unfair government subsidies and so-called social dumping, the practice of employers exploiting cheaper labor costs in other countries.
The 22 page reflection paper — which is light on specific policy proposals — is essentially an effort by the bloc’s most expert technocrats to level the economic playing field and tame the political and economic forces that have led to extraordinary upheaval and a wave of neo-nationalist populism.
The paper also suggests a push within the EU “to protect and empower citizens through robust social policies and providing the necessary education and training.”
At a news conference to unveil the blueprint, Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans said, “There is no protection in protectionism.” By David M. Herszenhorn
Regarding the recent situation in Ukraine Katainen noted that Finland would not enforce economic sanctions against
Russia. He recommended that leaders and citizens remain level headed regarding the situation in Crimea. According to the Prime Minister, sanctions against Russia may negatively impact the Finnish economy.
Vice-President of the European Commission.
Katainen resigned as the chairman of Finland's National Coalition Party and as the Finnish Prime Minister in June 2014 and was elected as European Commissioner on 16 July 2014. He was later confirmed as Vice-President-designate for jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness in the European Commission. Katainen's new responsibilities as Vice-President are to formulate recommendations to ensure that Member States' economies are on a path of sustainable of growth and job creation, to supervise the Union's common currency (the euro) and to produce the Commission's regular economic forecasts and economic indicators.
According to Swedish social democrat Marita Ulvskog, "Katainen's strength is that he comes from a Nordic country, and he understands the importance of strong social partners in the labor market. We cannot solve the (Euro) crisis without social dialogue, and he understands this." Katainen has been assigned the task of finding
billion to invest in the growth and economy of the European Union.
In a 2015 interview, the former prime minister of Finland quickly pointed out that "investment is truly a golden thread that weaves together everything that we do - we need to invest in our people, in our partnerships and in our planet". This means not only "giving people the skills they need for the 21st century economy", but also promoting "mobility inside and outside the union, in a way that supports economic growth and social cohesion, protects against external threats and contributes to international development".

- "Kuten poliitikot ja julkisuuden henkilöt yleensäkin, myös Jyrki Katainen on saanut oman osansa muiden kansalaisten mielipiteistä niin positiivisessa kuin negatiivisessakin mielessä. Ajan henkeen kuuluu, että etenkin poliittisten vaikuttajien tekoja, lausuntoja ja kyvykkyyttä arvostellaan kärkevinkin sanakääntein keskustelupalstoilla ja medioiden kommenttiosioissa.
Osa kritiikistä on tietenkin aiheellista ja hyvin perusteltua, osa alatyylistä henkilöön kohdistuvaa herjaamista. Jokaiselle poliitikolle löytyy kuitenkin myös vankkaa kannatusta kansan syvissä riveissä.
Paras poliitikon saama palaute edustamiltaan kansalaisilta on arvatenkin äänimäärä vaaliuurnilla. Tämä luottamus on kuitenkin ansaittava yhä uudelleen käytännön toimien kautta. On aina syytä muistaa, että yhteiskunta kokonaisuutena muodostuu nimenomaan yksilöistään, joista jokainen on samalla tasolla, yhtä arvokas ja korvaamaton. Poliittisessa asemassa toimiva henkilö ei ihmisenä ole sen kummempi kuin muutkaan, vaan tavallinen rivikansalainen kaikkien muiden tavoin."
* Leading the project team
"Jobs, Growth, Investment and
* Delivering the new jobs, growth and investment programme, which will mobilise up to €300 billion in additional public and private investment in the real economy over the next three years.
* Coordinating the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 strategy, Europe's economic
growth strategy.
* Pursuing structural reforms in EU countries and ensuring, together with the Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, that the EU's economic policy coordination is successful and takes account of the social impacts of reforms.
* Helping improve the business environment to make Europe a more attractive place in which to work and invest.

European Commission
Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels
Email: jyrki-katainen-contact@ec.europa.eu

The European Union established a Commission to act as their
executive and to promote its general interests. The Commission is composed of the College of Commissioners
comprised of 28 members, including the President and Vice-Presidents. The Commissioners, one from each EU country, are the Commission's political leadership during a 5-year term. Each Commissioner is assigned responsibility for specific policy areas by the President.

- Group photograph of the European Commissioners in 2017.
https://ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/2014-2019/katainen_en http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/854195/Brexit-trade-deal-EU-Britain-Theresa-May-Jyrki-Katainen http://www.politico.eu/article/commission-issues-blueprint-for-tackling-globalization/ http://www.jyrkikatainen.net/ https://www.facebook.com/JKatainen
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