- A National Maritime survey was posted in relation to
blue growth, the subject of our website and something that we
might consider posting for events and fundraising.
Blue Growth is the long term strategy of National Maritime to support sustainable economic growth for the coastal and estuarine towns and cities, and maritime industries within the Thames and Channel region. It recognises that rivers and seas are drivers for the region’s economy with great potential for innovation and growth.
Blue Growth is a sector initiative involving public and private sector partners. It will highlight opportunities for economic growth and will focus on the regions nine key maritime sectors that it thinks will contribute the most to this -
shipping, marine engineering and manufacturing, renewables, heritage,
recreational, ports, fisheries, business services, oil and gas.
This work is led by the National Maritime Blue Council and Executive team, it will inform not only economic strategy but also the activities of maritime industries as a whole, helping to shape Government spending and our asks to deliver business and economic investment in new ways, which better suit the regions sector needs. This strategy will also consider the various ambitious regional visions and delivery plans of stakeholders including; the Thames Vision 2035, Maritime Growth Study, Thames Estuary 2050 Growth Commission, the EU's
Blue Growth Strategy and the current work of the
London and South East Local Enterprise Partnerships.
This represents an attempt to position the region, home to the largest maritime ‘cluster’ in the UK, as a location of growth and prosperity for maritime industries, whilst also addressing some of the persistent economic challenges that coastal and estuarine communities face.
In short Blue Growth will provide:
• A robust understanding of the regions maritime economy
• Evidence to inform decision making processes
• Apply best practice from elsewhere
• New insight into sub- sectors and the growth potential of businesses
• Help focus on the development of a world class supply chain
• A clear position on specific places and developments in the region
• A strategy and plan to unite and inspire local stakeholders, politicians, business and investors
• A clear articulation of the regions offer to investors and businesses
• A step change in delivery of services and business support
• A framework for on-going monitoring
• Provide benefits to help regenerate coastal and estuarine communities
• Link personal, workforce and community development to the growth of the maritime sector
• Give individuals and businesses the confidence to play a socially responsible, active role in the regeneration of their communities
To do this, we have now started to map the location of all maritime industries within the region and those organisation who provide maritime education and training facilities and programmes.

- This was a relatively short survey with ten questions to
scoop basic information as to geographical location, business
type and what help they participants need to get where they
are going. If simplicity is key, they hit the spot.

INTERFACE - The SurveyMonkey website is relatively easy to
follow with a lot of information for first time survey
are three main features that cover a multitude of
possibilities for educators, students and businesses:
- Design surveys with confidence
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Non-profits need fewer tasks and expenses, not more. That’s why SurveyMonkey methodologists have created non-profit survey templates that make it easy to gain insights about donors, volunteers, partners and recipients.
You can customise a survey with colours, logos and more – or create your own template. SurveyMonkey claim that creating non-profit surveys has never been easier, faster or more fun.
ONLINE FUNDRAISING - With the advent of social web and the rise of e-commerce, it’s hardly a surprise that online charitable giving is also growing in popularity. Re you trying to gauge the viability of collecting donations online for your organisation? Do you wonder how other charities, NGOs or non-profit foundations have fared in their foray into digital donations? Then get started by taking a look at our online fundraising survey template.
EVENT PLANNING - Non-profits use surveys for pre- and post-event feedback. Gauge interest on activities that donors, partners, volunteers and staff members would be likely to attend or willing to participate in. Which venues are most accessible or convenient for attendees? Use an event planning survey to manage contact information and gain insights from your key audience about an array of events, including training, strategy sessions and campaigns, in order to gain a better understanding of funding sources, demographics, staffing and more.
VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT - How can you improve retention and recruiting processes? What feedback can you gather from volunteer coordinators, managers and organisers? Is your organisation following volunteer management best practices; and what opportunities for improvement exist within it? How can policymakers spearhead support for volunteer resources or connect volunteers to associations? Using a volunteer recruitment and placement team survey can help you obtain the answers you need.
1 Clarity is king Similar to the use cases noted above, think about which questions you are seeking the answers to and hone in on specific objectives. Are you trying to determine the quality and effectiveness of a strategic planning session? Or are you aiming to align staff members’ goals to the broader vision of the organisation?
2 Introduce your objective with a brief sentence that provides context. Tell survey takers why you’re asking these questions and how their feedback will help, e.g. “Your suggestions will help us to better understand how we can retain and recruit more volunteers.”.
3 Test drive your survey with a handful of people who are a representative sample of your intended audience. Consider running your survey by peers or colleagues. This is a good way to work out whether the questions you’re asking are the ones that will help you achieve the objectives you’ve defined.
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