KULO LUNA - Grace and beauty, these giant fins propel the whale at considerable speed over thousands of miles from feeding to breeding grounds. Whales are just as much at risk from toxic plastic waste in our oceans as humans from eating marine produce. The only difference is that the whales did not put it there. It is not their fault. It is our fault and the fault of our governments for allowing it to be dumped at sea. Most governments are doing nothing about removing it from the sea. They are content to limit plastic production on land - as per the Agreement of the G20 at Hamburg in 2017.


If you think that our heads of state should be doing more, please support us in any way that you can to make Kulo Luna a lasting message for those elected to represent us, to actually carry out the wished of the people.



These pages are all about developing the Kulo Luna adventure story. If you are new to the industry, you will find out that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to climb this mountain. Hats off to those who mastered the art. For those of you just starting out these tips should help ease the pain.





1. Developing the idea
2. Form and format
3. Character
4. Beginnings
5. Middles
6. Endings
7. Scenes
8. Dialogue
9. Rewriting or Editing



5. Making sense of the muddle

The difficulty with many scripts and stories is the middle – the stretch that connects the beginning with the end.

We like stories because of the muddle in the middle. The middle takes up more story time and space than the beginning and ending combined. And making that muddle work dramatically takes thought, planning and effort.

Once you’ve worked out where to begin and where you are trying to get to, you have to work out the most appropriately difficult way for your characters to get from one to the other – if it’s an action movie like Kulo Luna, you expect high-octane action, tension and jeopardy, if it’s a detective story, you expect the twists and turns of piecing together a coherent picture from the clues available, if it’s a love story, you expect a blossoming relationship being beset with obstacles. Your characters need to get lost in this muddle – otherwise, the journey forward will be too easy for them.

However, you the writer can’t get lost. You need to be in control of the muddle. You need to manipulate characters, events, actions and consequences. You need to make seeming incoherence and confusion still travel towards a climax and a conclusion. You need to make things difficult for the characters while keeping up the momentum of the story for the audience. You need to plan the muddle carefully at the outset in your story map - but don't be inflexible. Juggle the scenes, add new ones, replace those not working.

Remember to surprise the audience. What do they need to see? What can you leave out? What might make them see the story, characters and events in a new light?

Remember to engage the audience. Are the characters developing and changing interestingly? Or remaining comically trapped in entertaining enough ways?

Don’t let the story flat-line to a point where nothing happens. Remember the troughs and the peaks, the dead ends and the moments of clarity, the domino-effect of actions and consequences. Otherwise the story will sag. And so will your audience.







Kulo Luna sinks a Japanese pirate whaling ship by the light of a full moon


KULO LUNA - Is the story of a giant humpback whale and her young friend Kana who is killed by pirate whalers in the south pacific ocean. Enraged by the death of Kana, Kulo attacks the pirate ship, finally sinking it, but getting herself wounded in the process.


On hearing of the sinking of one of their suppliers, a Japanese cartel put a $multi-million dollar bounty on her head, when another whaling ship gives chase. Before not too long the media hear of the hunt and betting begins all around the world. At this point our hero, John Storm, abandons a solar boat race to try and help the whale where his boat, the Elizabeth Swan, is not far away from the last sighting.


John rescues Kulo from being eaten by sharks, but that is just the beginning of their adventure, as the pirates whalers close in for the kill........ Copyright book cover design © Jameson Hunter Ltd. All rights reserved. The Kulo Luna story is the subject of an exclusive license to the Foundation, expressly for the purposes of raising ocean awareness and helping to fund research into ways of beating ocean waste.





Humpback wales are dying from plastic pollution


MARINE LIFE - This humpback whale is one example of a magnificent animal that is at the mercy of human activity. Humans are for the most part unaware of the harm their fast-lane lifestyles are causing. We aim to change that by doing all we can to promote ocean literacy. The Kulo Luna story is one of our initiatives to promote ocean issues.



T shirts navy blue Kulo Luna


MERCHANDISE - These cool T-shirts will be available when the story is released, to help raise ocean awareness.  Copyright book clothing design © Cleaner Ocean Foundation November 30 2018. All rights reserved.





 This website is provided on a free basis as a public information service. Copyright © Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) (Company No: 4674774) 2018. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. COFL is a charity without share capital.