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CORN EXCHANGE, BRIGHTON DOME - Leo Perrin (Youth Project Lead) gives a short presentation on the 13th of June 2024 about the hydrogen powered Elizabeth Swann. This talk was given at the launch of the Sussex Bay re-wilding project, a brilliant initiative to conserve around 100 miles of Sussex coastline, supported by many authorities and like minded concerns. Please visit their website for more details.





This website is ALL ABOUT BLUE GROWTH, and the OCEAN ECONOMY. Our not for profit is dedicated to the concept of a blue economy, aiming at a sustainable future world with food security and clean energy abundance for all regardless of geographical or political boundaries. This is the starting line for a formula for a more peaceful world, where sovereign borders are mutually respected, and the purity of the ocean is treated as essential. It is not a free dumping ground. But that is how disrespectfully we are treating planet earth in the quest for profits.






YOUTH LEAD: EVENT 18th NOVEMBER 2023 - The Foundation's contribution to zero emission ocean transport: the Elizabeth - a clean - hydrogen powered ship, presently in the workshop as a 2.5 meter proof of concept model. See us at the UNA-C&O Ocean Symposium at Bexhill, near Hastings in Sussex. See PowerPoint preview. This is sustainable innovation taking place right now in the UK. Without backing from any government source, the project relies on voluntary contributions.




We aim to raise awareness about ocean and climate issue with a series of fictional adventure stories, involving a hydrogen powered ship - that is real. We are also promoting the Jules Verne Hydrogen Trophy, or JVH2, as applicable.










Thrusters, solar panels, tracking electronics, wing activators, batteries and charge controller - for autonomous crusing independent of hydrogen fuel cells



TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATOR APRIL 2023 -  These are the components that make up the solar tracking and charge regulation of a 1:20 model of the high performance Elizabeth Swann; a hybrid trimaran yacht. This is a radio controlled technology demonstrator, roughly 2.4 meters in length (48m full size), made using off the shelf parts. Available for exhibitions from November 2023. The onboard solar panels generate 144 watts, to give autonomous continuous cruising capability 24/7, with hydrogen fuel cells providing added sparkle to performance, to this zero carbon concept. (Hydrogen components not shown)




Two major ocean issues today are sargassum proliferation, particularly in the Caribbean Sea and equatorial Atlantic, so demonstrating the ability of the potentially invasive species to migrate to other oceans - and plastics, as the combined crises affects the whole world's food supply & ocean ecology.






UNEP REPORT OCTOBER 2021 - Plastic pollution in our oceans is set to double by 2030, with recycling not enough (we told you so) and global cooperation needed (we told you so again). Don't let the politician spin doctors protract enacting a solution any longer. If shoppers were to boycott plastic wrapped products, apart from the fact they may starve, supermarket suppliers would be forced to switch to paper, glass and metal packaging - or face bankruptcy. The fact politicians allow them to continue as they are tells us that it is the policy makers who are to blame. And, they like it as it is, lots of money for them, backhanders (dividends) or not, taxes as income from plastic products is akin to procurement fraud - for any government involved.


The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates between 500,000 and 1 million tons of ghost fishing gear enters the oceans annually. Greenpeace puts the figure closer to 640,000 tons, which equates to the weight of over 50,000 double-decker buses. More recent research by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) suggests a more detailed breakdown, as in 2% of all fishing gear used worldwide ends up in the ocean. This translates to:

- 740,000 kilometers of longline mainlines (enough to circle the Earth 18 times)
- Nearly 3,000 square kilometers of gill nets
- 218 square kilometers of trawl nets
- 75,000 square kilometers of purse seine nets
- Over 25 million pots and traps

It's a matter of life and death if you live in the ocean. A fight to the death if you get snagged in nets, or drown. Any way you look at it, mankind represents a danger to marine life. And then there is ingestion of single use plastics! We must put the brake on unrealistic policies promising continuous growth. Politicians will promise the earth, but are actually destroying it, by borrowing more to get themselves elected. Term on term. We also need Freedom From Fossil Fuels (FFFF) to begin to tackle acid oceans.




As to ocean pollution, see our 7Seven Point Plastic Plan:



1. Supermarket packaging transformation (back) to paper predominantly

2. Glass bottles, metal cans, waxed cartons over plastic, unless genuinely biodegradable 
3. Monitoring rivers and strict enforcement against micro-fiber spillages from treatment plants
4. Trackers for fishing nets and strict enforcement for dumping, unless accidents reported
5. Recycling of plastic to 95% with controlled incineration of non-reusable elements
6. Filtration on domestic machines to remove microfibres from clothing
7. Introduction of plastic credit (incentives) trading scheme to drive the clean up




Food is becoming more scarce as plastic and glass fibers makes seafood carcinogenic, and the climate continues to heat up as the powerful "Fiddle while Rome Burns."




A green sea turtle drowns because fishermen discard nets and ropes, free of any consequences. How do they sleep at night. How do politicians sleep at night. Because, you don't make a fuss about it!




Space exploration has shown us that we cannot feasibly escape to Planet B. We are on a crash course - inevitably leading to more deserts, sea level and temperature increases - and human suffering on an unprecedented scale.


A study published in August 2020, confirms our belief that we must target the source of plastic pollution, such as rivers, product packaging and recycling - in addition to raising awareness of efforts to clean up plastic in the ocean - and especially discarded fishing nets that are strangling defenseless whales, like the fictional Kulo Luna. The G20 cannot pay to filter our oceans from economies that are battered by bruising corruption - and crippling complacency. Nor will they react, until we make them uncomfortable as to the facts, such that they cannot get elected without paying more then lip service to our plight.


In 2023 Orcas are attacking and sinking boats in the Strait of Gibraltar, presumably protesting against ocean pollution. It is like our Kulo Luna ocean awareness story, only for real.







Jules Verne predicted hydrogen as a fuel of the future in 1874




THE FOUNDATION IS PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES OF SCIENCE: SOLAR + HYDROGEN COMBO: Solar power is a proven means of traversing the oceans, but slowly so far. We aim to improve the conversion efficiency from sun to propulsive thrust - using an innovative trimaran hull, the latest batteries - and taking a leaf our of Jules Verne's pages, incorporating hydrogen hybrid potential, up to 4000nm on hydrogen gas, and Around the World in 80 Days, on liquid hydrogen: Zero Emission, potentially making Jules Verne's prediction in 'The Mysterious Island' come true for 2024, some 150 years after the prophesy. The World Hydrogen Challenge is open to all sailing teams and individuals, competing for the Jules Verne (hydrogen) Trophy. You could be the first to set an under 80 day circumnavigation record, emulating the exploits of Phileas Fogg. See the JVH2 rules. JVH2 is a trademark in multiple classes concerning fuels of the future.







WHALE HUNTING - We are concerned that with the pressure for food rising from population growth, and the cost, that whales will again become targets, to be hunted to extinction. Hunger will see to that. Humans will even eat each other in times of crisis, resorting to cannibalism to survive. Hence, it will not bother the starving that they are eating endangered species. The Commissioners will bow to pressure from the mob. Humans are voracious political cannibals, and extremely unstable when their toys are threatened.


COP OUTS: COP OUT 25, FLOP26, COP27 & COP28 - Are world leaders in touch and are they listening? No matter how many climate marches, or how serious the bushfire problem in Australia, Canada, or California - action is slow. Fingers crossed for more hands on deeds and rapido policy changes in 2024 as we hurtle toward COP29. Renewables are the key to world stability and peace. Now all focus is on Azerbaijan, following EGYPES 2024 in Cairo, Egypt, events held by oil producing nations, where obvious conflicts of interest need to be taken into account as the parties negotiate for fair transitions - against a background of economies in dire straits from mismanaged over-borrowing. That level of risk being seen as a sign of weakness, and (possibly) the trigger to invasion, Imperialist Russia was looking to exploit.


It would be an understatement to say that politicians appear not to know how to balance the books. Even Joe Biden's US administration is struggling to make loan repayments, not helped by the invasion of Ukraine, a conflict now entering it's third year that has sparked retaliation and focus on NATO, and defence spending; nothing short of a climate catastrophe, as the world prepares for a potential World War Three scenario, wars being the ultimate political solution to recessional restraint, in the absence of preventative measures. Downsizing empire building aspirations is necessary even if unpopular vote wise.



ABOUT OUR BLUE GROWTH A-Z  - We are one of literally hundreds of concerns doing their best to promote Blue Growth around the world, with a target Circular Economy firmly embedded as the driver. We hope to be able to contribute, where we say what others are thinking - but will not print!





* Autonomous Surveying

* Aquaculture

* Biomedicines & biotechnology
* Coastal Tourism

* Communications - cables, pipes routes surveys

* Fishing - Enforcing limits, reducing by-catch

* Green Ships, cruising & cargo

* Harbour development
* Marine Environmental Monitoring





* Marine Innovation

* Marine Research & Development

* Ocean Energy - Tidal, Wave & Wind
* Oil & gas  (intelligent reductions)

* Persistent Monitoring, satellites, drones

* Satellite ocean monitoring - Satellites

* Seabed Mining - (halting harmful methods)

Water treatment, waste, ocean pollution
* Work at sea conditions






A VAST RESOURCE - The ocean is a vast underutilized resource in terms of energy generation now over fished to to the point of stagnation to feed a growing world population as land is being absorbed to build on for housing and factories, so reducing agricultural potential. In short, we are exhausting our natural resources in order of ease - for maximum profits - a short term strategy. But what about tomorrow?


The use of single use plastic for packaging is just one horrifying example of major stakeholders using the most convenient means to get their product to market, while ocean literate policy makers watch marine life suffer as they grapple with ways to juggle economics and morals. Morals! What morals?


We will be focusing our attentions on areas of the most environmental value, in the hope of divining a path to sustainable blue growth. You may appreciate that harmful exploitation of the sea is to be addressed and discouraged in favour of a circular economy.




The Statue of Liberty is symbolic of the fight for freedom against fossil fuel slavery       Freedom from Fossil Fuels, the JVH2 world hydrogen challenges, inspired by Jules Verne



IN PROGRESS DESIGN STUDY - November 2023, the Cleaner Ocean Foundation is looking at a number of Trophy ideas for the Jules Verne 'World' Hydrogen challenges (JVH2), with inspiration coming from the Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower.








A 2015 study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimated that ghost gear entangles and kills over 300,000 dolphins, porpoises, and small whales every year. This number likely represents only a fraction of the total impact, as larger whales and seals are also vulnerable. Data on sea turtles is more specific, with an estimated 1 in 1,000 loggerhead turtles and 1 in 500 leatherback turtles dying from entanglement each year.



WILDLIFE IN TROUBLE - A 2015 study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimated that ghost gear entangles and kills over 300,000 dolphins, porpoises, and small whales every year. This number likely represents only a fraction of the total impact, as larger whales and seals are also vulnerable. Data on sea turtles is more specific, with an estimated 1 in 1,000 loggerhead turtles and 1 in 500 leatherback turtles dying from entanglement each year. The picture above is fictitious. Part of the Kulo-Luna ocean awareness campaigns. But it is happening every day, and right now as you are reading this, wherever you may be. But for sure, not in an affordable home!





          Politicians are so into plastic that they are blind to the pollution that is poisoning our oceans



WILDLIFE IN TROUBLE - We took over the SeaVax project from Bluebird Marine to add to our other projects to help combat plastic in our oceans. We are not supported by any Government or Non-Governmental initiatives, grants or other contributions such as the G7 Challenge or Horizon 2020 calls for proposals, mainly because we know from previous H2020 applications that these calls and challenges would preclude us for not having, or are so expensive to apply for that we could not afford to take the chance and waste our limited resources in applying. We are thus working on crowd funding stages that we will release in advance of any previous call for project funding being near to completion. As and when we succeed with the targets that we set ourselves, it will not be because of any politician that you have voted for, it will be because you decided to cut out the middle man and contribute to our work directly. Please only give what you can afford, just as our volunteers only work as and when they can.






'Blue Growth' success, like any tall structure, depends on solid foundations. At the moment the ecological foundations of our oceans are crumbling from man-made pollution, to include plastic, chemical spills and acidification.





1. TRANSPORT: Phase out polluting vehicles. Governments aims to end the sale of new petrol, and diesel vehicles by 2040 but have no infrastructure plan to support such ambition. Marine transport can be carbon neutral.









2. RENEWABLESRenewable energy should replace carbon-based fuels (coal, oil and gas) in our electricity, heating and transport.


3. HOUSING: On site micro or macro generation is the best option, starting with new build homes.


4. AGRICULTURE: We need trees and kelp to absorb carbon emissions from a growing population, flying, and to build new homes. Reducing food waste and promoting less energy intensive eating habits such as no meat Mondays.


5. INDUSTRY: Factories should be aiming for solar heating and onsite renewable energy generation.


6. POLITICS: - National governing bodies need to adopt rules to eliminate administrative wastages, to include scaling down spending on war machines, educating the public and supporting sustainable social policies that mesh with other cultures.










      Can we feed the world using aquaculture?



[left] ALL FISHED OUT - A recent United Nations study reported that more than two-thirds of the world's fisheries have collapsed or are currently being over fished. Much of the remaining one third is in a state of decline due to habitat degradation from pollution and climate change. Escalating amounts of point and non-point pollution continue to threaten water quality and fish habitat. Yet, the human population consumes over 100 million metric tons of fish annually and more than 25% of the world’s dietary protein is provided by fish.


[right] DWINDLING FISH STOCKS - Food security is a major problem the world will have to face as the available land for to grow crops reduces in competition with land for housing, as the population expands. The situation is far from sustainable and a bubble that will burst. When the bubble bursts it will cause the deaths of millions of people, where additional farming will create more carbon dioxide to heat the climate, making more land barren in a vicious circle that we must take steps to prevent happening.


Around 10% of the world (700,000,000 million people) rely on the ocean for food, but in addition to our poor land management record, we are also polluting the seven seas with plastic that is toxic - so reducing the number of fish that we might harvest for food. Aquaculture, is seen as the savior for fish supply, but fish farming is dependent on ocean and land derived feeds, hence is more of an icing quick fix than a really tasty cake. 





The World Hydrogen Challenge - JVH2 - Jules Verne Trophy


Cleaner Ocean Foundation campaigning for a better place to live


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Company No: 4674774. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. COFL is a not for profit organization without share capital.